Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker tie the knot in the heart of the Mayan Jungle
Wedding Astrology + Compatibility (Wedding Day Horoscope + Astrocartography Reading)
Published Dec 12, 2023
Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker got married in the Mayan jungle in Tulum, Mexico on December 2nd. So let's get into the astrology of this Sagittarius season destination wedding. All the details on their wedding and wedding planning are from this Vogue article, which was published on December 6th.
So Vanessa had her eye on the Azulik Hotel. She had it saved on her Instagram, and a friend asked her for suggestions on vacation spots, and she suggested it. And then she said to Cole, she was like, “wait, why don't we have our honeymoon here?” And then she was like, “what if we get married here?”
So she booked a venue tour. She went and checked the venue out. She said on her venue tour, she was so hot she almost fainted. Then they explained that the ceremony would actually be 45 minutes into the jungle. So they took a dirt road into the jungle, and at first she was like, “logistically, how are we going to get our guests here?” But once she saw the spot, she knew that that was the place they had to get married. It was so magical.
So they booked the date for December 2nd, and they had the ceremony in the jungle. She wore a beautiful Vera Wang dress, and her bridesmaids wore these gorgeous bronze dresses. She really wanted to lean into the natural tones, but it was still elevated. He wore an off white jacket with an off white bow tie, a white shirt, really nice Louboutins. And again, her Vera Wang dress. Vogue described it as a light ivory chartreuse bias cut cowl neck slip dress with a plunging back. And her veil was a light ivory tulle with custom embroidery that read Mrs. T, December 2nd, 2023, in a gothic font.
Vanessa was introduced to her wedding planner, Pia Lindstrom, through a man named Alexander Ludwig, who worked on Bad Boys with Vanessa. And I guess Pia Lindstrom, the planner, did the afterparty for Sleepy Hollow, and Vanessa Hudgens is very into the spooky and the spiritual stuff, so that was like what made her want to try it out, and it ended up working out really well.
Looking at Vanessa Hudgens birth chart, she was born on December 14th, so she is a Sagittarius Sun. She has her Sun in 23 degrees of Sagittarius. If you add Cole Tucker's chart outside of hers, you notice he also has some Sagittarius placements. A zero degree Pluto and a two degree Ceres in Sagittarius.
Now if we add the transits from December 2nd, their wedding day on top, we can see all of the activations that are happening in their natal birth chart. The Sun is in Sagittarius just like Vanessa's natal Sun. And Ceres is in three degrees of Sagittarius, just one degree off from Cole's natal Ceres in Sagittarius, meaning he's having his Ceres return. Ceres is an asteroid that rules fertility and growth, planting a seed and having something grow. She's the goddess of harvest and agriculture. Sagittarius is the sign that rules international travel. So having a destination wedding in a different country is perfect for a Sagittarius season wedding.
Sagittarius is a fire sign that rules the color orange. This is a photo of the ceremony set up. where they had an arch of marigolds. Vanessa said it was partly because she knew they would pop against the white, but also in Hindu weddings, they are popular because they represent the sun. Brightness, positive, cheery energy. I would not be surprised if Vanessa and her wedding planner, Pia, used astrology to pick orange marigolds for this Sagittarius season wedding. Orange is the color of Sagittarius season, especially since they literally mention tapping into the energy of the sun.
The day of the wedding was also Vanessa's Mercury return. Mercury was in one degree of Capricorn, which is the exact placement in her natal chart. Mercury is the planet that rules writing and communicating, so saying your vows on the day of your wedding is the most mercurial part of the entire ritual. In the Vogue article, Vanessa says, “I would also say to everyone, write your own vows and read them. It is the most beautiful thing ever in a relationship to be that open and vulnerable and raw in front of all of the people you love. Proclaiming your love. It's just beautiful. I loved it.”
And of course, the moon was in Leo for the day of their wedding, which is all about grand proclamations of love, a fanfare of love, a performance. And she even said she loved these tassels that were set up in her ceremony because they made her feel like she was on stage. That is definitely this Leo moon, which is in her first house. She's a Leo rising.
Another thing I found really interesting, Vanessa Hudgens has Juno in 9 degrees of Virgo and Lilith in 23 degrees of Virgo. Juno is the asteroid that rules marriage and represents a spouse. Lilith represents the wilderness. In the biblical story, Lilith is cast out into the wilderness out of the Garden of Eden.
The day she got married, both Lilith and Juno were also in Virgo. Meaning, she just experienced her Juno return, and she's about to experience her Lilith return. She literally sent her wedding party out into the wilderness of the jungle in order to watch her get married and become a spouse. This photo is really like a snapshot of Juno in Virgo, the bride or the wife who is completely surrounded by nature and greenery.
After the ceremony, she changed into this dress, which she wore for the reception. It's a much lighter, flowier, sheer number with a lacy corset. This dress is also by Vera Wang. And she said she did it so that she could be more mobile and dance and move around easier at the reception. We've talked a lot about the Sagittarius and Virgo transits. Both of these signs are mutable signs, which means they're very adaptable. They're able to adjust and change to better suit their environment.
So the first look is the meticulous, beautiful, veiled maiden. for the wedding ceremony. And then Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, is the much more free flowing energy, free spirited energy, able to move and dance and socialize.
Looking at Vanessa's chart again, I noticed that she has a very interesting Venus in Scorpio, which is opposite her Jupiter in Taurus. Currently, Jupiter is in Taurus, so she is in the process of experiencing her Jupiter return as well.
Now, the day that they got married, Venus was in her home sign of Libra, the sign that rules marriage. This is a very well dignified placement for Venus to be, although she is conjoined to the south node, which I will come back to. But just eight days after their marriage, probably when they're on their honeymoon, Venus had entered Scorpio and was in six degrees of Scorpio, perfectly opposite Jupiter in six degrees of Taurus. This is the same Jupiter Venus opposition that Vanessa has in her natal birth chart.
Venus is the goddess of love and romance, and Jupiter is the planet that rules Sagittarius, the ruler of international travel and destination. Venus opposite Jupiter reads as a destination wedding.
One of the things that I do for my wedding clients is I use astrocartography, or map astrology. to help choose the best location for a honeymoon. Being that they had a destination wedding, I decided to look at the astrocartography for Vanessa.
She does have a significant opposition of Venus and Jupiter, meaning these lines are going to be very close to each other. Wherever Venus is on the ascendant, Jupiter will be on the descendant. Wherever Venus is on the midheaven, And Jupiter will be on the IC, on the opposite side of the axis.
Now she didn't really have any planetary lines going through Tulum, but what I did notice is this Venus Jupiter opposition is right around Paris. Venus ascendant line is on the left about 60 miles (west) from Paris, and then the Jupiter descendant line is about 40 miles on the opposite direction (east) from Paris.
So Paris falls right in the middle of this Venus Jupiter opposition. According to the Vogue article, Vanessa and Cole got engaged in Paris at the Eiffel Tower. So even though the wedding itself didn't have much astrocartography, their engagement in Paris absolutely did.
Coming back to this Venus in Libra who had just recently conjoined the South Node in Libra, Venus in Libra talks about relationships and romance, the South Node talks about the past. This can be a time where we are either leaving relationships in the past or old relationships from the past are rekindled. But if we look at Vanessa and Cole's charts, we can see that they have south node synastry.
Vanessa has her Mars in 12 degrees of Aries, perfectly conjoined Cole's south node in 12 degrees of Aries. His south node is also conjunct Juno, or the spouse. This, to me, reads as a past life connection. Whether they were past life lovers or maybe even past life marriage with Juno there on his south node.
With this self node and Juno conjoining her Mars in Aries, AND Vanessa also having her Juno conjunct her south node (a past life marriage) reads as lovers from a past life marriage finally being reunited and married again. That's Venus and Libra conjunct the self node [the day of the Wedding].