Astrology symbolism in real life - Pisces Square Gemini
Boat bridge in the Netherlands
Published September 13, 2024
I want to talk about the astrological symbolism behind this very innovative water bridge [in the Netherlands], which allows boats to pass over a roadway without obstructing the traffic of boats or cars.
Now, in astrology, boats and the ocean are ruled by Pisces; and cars and roads are ruled by Gemini.
In astrology, Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, and Mercury is known as the god of commerce and trade. Mercury also rules over the concept of polar opposites. So, roadways, which were literally invented so that people could participate in trade and commerce, and have two sides that allow cars to go in polar opposite directions–roadways are ruled by Mercury and Gemini.
Whereas Pisces is the water sign that rules the ocean, as well as long distance or global travel, which before airplanes, was done exclusively by boat.
Gemini and Pisces form a 90 degree angle or a square. This means that the energy of these two signs is in conflict. A really good example of this square in action is the concept of a drawbridge, where, in order for the boat to pass through, the flow of traffic on the roadway has to be cut off. It is squared by this drawbridge. In order for the traffic to flow along the overpass, the traffic flow of the boats is cut off by the overpass itself. The drawbridge overpass and the boat traffic that moves underneath it are squaring each other. They are in competition for who gets to go.
But this design [pictured in video], which is even shaped like the Pisces symbol, allows for both the car traffic and boat traffic to continue undisrupted. This type of innovation is an example of how you can remediate a Gemini Pisces square in your own natal birth chart.
So an example of this: Gemini rules our mind and our thoughts, Pisces rules our subconscious emotions. Typically, our thought process is in conflict with our subconscious belief systems, and the things that we are actively thinking are not always in agreement with our true subconscious beliefs. Of course, unless you've done a lot of shadow work to deconstruct and unpack those subconscious beliefs.
By doing the shadow work of reflecting on your own subconscious beliefs and your subconscious repressed emotions, you can remediate this square, where your thoughts and your subconscious beliefs are no longer in conflict, instead they have found a way to work together. If your thoughts are aligned with your emotions, allowing both of them to flow freely, then one of them doesn't prevent the other one from happening.
Your thoughts don't prevent you from processing your emotions, they help you process your emotions. Your emotions don't prevent you from thinking, your emotions act as a source of inspiration for new, innovative ideas. And here, if we rotate the Gemini symbol 90 degrees, the square to Pisces, you can see [in the video] that the Gemini symbol actually overlays on top of the Pisces symbol pretty nicely.
So, it's just a little reminder that if you have a square in your birth chart, most astrologers, myself included, will tell you that that aspect is associated with conflict or blockages of some sort. But if you are doing the work process the energy of those placements and using innovation and thinking outside of the box, you can actually remediate that square; and instead the square can become a source of motivation or momentum and movement for both of the placements involved.