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  • Weekly Personalized Transit Reading (45 min)

    General analysis of a single chart, and personalized Astrology transit breakdowns for each week. 



    • Weekly Recorded Video Reading:  Forty-Five (45) minute video on a single chart, with a breakdown of the personalized Astrology transits to your Natal Birth Chart for each week.
    • Weekly Transit Report: Full Report of every aspect for the week (including general transits and personal transit for the week, house placements, exact date + time, and exact degree + sign. Daily View + Calendar View).
    • Color coded birth chart (Placidus and Whole Sign) (First reading only).



    • Week starting on Sunday
    • Week starting on Monday



    Customer will receive first Reading + Report within seven (7) days of Order Date, and will receive a weekly reading every seven (7) days until subscription is cancelled.



    Customer will be billed monthly until subscription is cancelled. 



    By purchasing a Weekly Personalized Transit Reading Subscription, you agree to the Terms of Service, including the Refund Policy and all Legal Disclaimers regarding any medical, financial, or legal information that may be discussed in your reading.


    Suggested Prerequisite: Personalized 1-Chart Reading (45 min)

    You will get the most value from Transit Readings after you have received a personalized birth chart reading from Gold Titan Astrology. If you are a new customer, it is suggested that you book a Personalized 1-Chart Reading here in addition to booking a Transit Reading Subscription. It's not mandatory, but it will greatly improve the quality of your Transit Readings.

    Weekly Personalized Transit Reading (45 min-1 hr)

    Price Options
    Weekly Transits
    Subscribe to get personalized weekly transit readings!
    $350.00every month until canceled
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