SAG strike ends, agreement reached as Venus enters Libra
Venus Rx in Leo, through Venus in Libra
Published Nov 11, 2023
The SAG strike has officially ended. The studios and the actors union have come to an agreement. The strike ends just as Venus is entering her home sign of Libra, the sign of the zodiac that talks about coming to a fair and balanced agreement where everyone is happy.
The strike originally began around July 13th, which was just a few days before Venus stationed Retrograde in Leo, the sign of the performer and actor. Venus retrograde indicated a drawback from an agreement, saying “this is not a fair and balanced agreement and we need to reweigh these scales out to make sure everyone's getting a fair exchange here.” That negotiating process continued as Venus eventually stationed direct in Leo, and moved through Virgo.
Then right as Venus entered Libra (November 8), they came to a tentative agreement which was later finalized. Apparently the new deal includes: a streaming participation bonus, above pattern minimum compensation increases, substantial increases for pension and health caps, pay increases for background actors, contract provisions protecting diverse communities, and major provisions for consent and compensation from AI. This sounds like a win for actors and members of the Screen Actors Guild for sure.