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The downfall of Bee Better - Astrology transit reading

Marketing Astrology 101

Published August 31, 2024

Let's talk about the downfall of Bee Better, and the astrology of this downfall. For those who don't know, this man made a name for himself on this app as a marketing expert by attacking celebrities and popular creators and their brands under the guise of wanting to help them improve their brand. He owns a honey company called Bee Better, and it is very clear from his old videos that his old marketing strategy of promoting his product and sharing the benefits of herbal medicine were not quite getting him the viral views and engagement that he was looking for.

So, on February 20th of this year, he pivoted his marketing strategy and posted his first video using this new marketing strategy, titled “The Downfall of the D'amelios,” and it worked pretty well. That video now has 15 million views, and he continued with this strategy. Every video he posts gets nearly, if not well over a million views, but a few days ago he flew a little too close to the sun and came for Kamala Harris and her presidential campaign. The video was full of ignorant takes, it was not well received, and he deleted it shortly after.

But, the damage has already been done, and this prompted other creators to do a deep dive into him and his background. I don't want to get too much into this. There's another creator who did a whole deep dive video and I've reposted it. So go check my repost if you want to watch that. But, basically, he may or may not be related to the CEO of a company that received a very large contract from Donald Trump when he was in office without even having to place a bid.

So there is some potential that [his] video is very biased and there is a conflict of interest, but we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk about the astrology of his pivot to this new marketing strategy and the current astrology as we witness the downfall of Be Better. This is the chart from February 20th, the day that he posted his first video titled “The Downfall of the D'Amelios.”


The first thing I notice is Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius. Venus is the planet that rules branding. It rules products, product promotion, and marking your product. Whether you are branding your livestock, or you are putting your brand logo on your product so that everyone knows it's yours. Mars, in five degrees, is the god of war. It is the planet that rules attack and being on the offensive.


We also have Mercury in Aquarius in 25 degrees. Mercury is the planet that rules sharing your thoughts and ideas, communicating them with the general public, and especially in Aquarius, the sign that rules the internet, it talks about sharing your ideas and thoughts with the internet.

Aquarius is also the sign that talks about breaking something down for the purpose of building it back better. So it makes sense that all of these placements are in Aquarius when he pivots to this new marketing strategy of tearing people's brands down under the guise of helping them to be better.


We also have Saturn and the Sun in Pisces. Pisces is the sign that talks about illusions, distorting someone's perspective to make them believe something is true when really it is not. So conveniently excluding the fact that he may be related to someone who was able to get him a job much earlier than other people, effectively allowing him to become the youngest person to get his MBA in Canada, It's a very important detail that he conveniently left out. And that was done in order to manipulate and distort people's perspective of him online.

Now we're looking at the current astrology transits (Aug 30, 2024). The inside wheel is February 20th. The initial pivot to this marketing strategy, while the outside wheel represents the current astrology transits, as we witnessed the downfall of Be Better.


The moon is currently in Leo, and last night when I first saw about this controversy, it was in six degrees of Leo, right opposite the Venus Mars conjunction from February 20th. Not only does that mean the current drama circulating around Bee Better is in direct opposition to his new marketing strategy that he pivoted to back in February, but it also means that the moon, which was in cancer a few days ago, was in the same sign when he posted the Kamala Harris video as when he posted his initial video about the D'Amelios: a lunar return of this new marketing strategy of his.


Mercury in 21 Degrees of Leo just stationed direct after being retrograde for most of August, meaning we are still in the post retrograde shadow period and people may not be thinking clearly or thinking things all the way through before saying them. Him posting this video about Kamala Harris’ campaign when he didn't have all of his facts correct is a perfect example of a Mercury retrograde blunder.

But also that Mercury in Leo is opposite Mercury in Aquarius, the position that Mercury was in when he first pivoted to this new strategy. Again, Aquarius is the sign that talks about breaking something down so you can build it back better. Leo is the sign that talks about something that is so strong it cannot be broken down.

The sun, the ruler of Leo, represents the king, the leader, the political leader, the president is represented by the Sun. So, trying to attack the presidential campaign of a potential future president is way different than attacking the D'Amelio's who are simply internet celebrities. Pun intended, he flew too close to the sun and now his wings are melting off like Icarus.

Aquarius is also the sign that talks about chaos and order, creating order from chaos, and that is very much what he was doing. He was creating chaos around these celebrity brands, and then creating his own order by providing his marketing strategies and telling these brands what he thinks they should do.

But Leo is the sign that talks about order from hierarchical power institutions. You cannot create order out of chaos with a presidential candidate the way you can with an internet celebrity.


Again, looking at February 20th, Saturn was in 8 degrees of Pisces. Currently, the Sun is in 8 degrees of Virgo, perfectly opposite Saturn at the time that he pivoted to this new strategy.

Now, February 20th, the Sun was in Pisces. This talks about concealing the truth by shining the spotlight on very particular things that you want to focus on in order to obscure the truth that doesn't fit your narrative. Virgo, the opposite sign, talks about all of the truth, the ugly and the pretty. It talks about shining a light on every single detail, even the details that were omitted in Pisces.

Virgo talks about clarity, finally seeing things clearly, finally having the facts and information that were once excluded. People are starting to see the truth about this marketing strategy and about the distorted perspective that Bee Better has pushed to the internet.


Looking at Saturn's current position in 16 degrees of Pisces, it formed a perfect trine with the moon in Cancer in 16 degrees the day that he posted that original video.

This is such a clear example of karma coming back to bite you very, very quickly. The six month time frame between his original pivot to this strategy and the current downfall is associated with the opposition. The sun takes six months to go into the opposite position.

The opposition is ruled by Saturn. The opposition aspect can talk about karmic payouts over the past six months. He is getting a taste of his own medicine, and I'm not talking about his herbal honey. I don't have a degree in marketing, but I do have years of experience with marketing, and my advice is that attacking other brands in order to promote your own brand will eventually result in your brand being attacked in the same manner.

And that's why, even though I do call people out every now and then, I make it a conscious effort to not base my entire brand on shitting on other brands, because Karma comes around. This is also why I think it's really important to consult with an astrologer before you make any major changes or pivots to your marketing strategy. Making sure that the timing of that strategy pivot is aligned with the planets can help you to avoid any undesirable consequences or repercussion.

I'm all in favor of controlled controversy, but when your entire brand is built on putting other people down under the guise of wanting to help them, when really it's very clear, you're just trying to get engagement and views for your own brand… it's not a good look.

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